Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Next Stop - The Search for Intelligent life (It must be in the desert)

Next Stop - The Search for Intelligent life (It must be in the desert)

So I have come to the conclusion that the real reason the government is keeping the aliens in the middle of area 51 is because they are afraid that they might out qualify most of us and take all our jobs. Or worse, they will be vegetarians and not want to consume all our Big Macs and Whoppers. "Yes margy there is intelligent life out there and it happens to be in the middle of the Nevada desert." I know the men in black have probably released a few of them on us and if you take a close look at the nearest cities (Las Vegas and L.A.) it will be evident that they really are amongst us as Fox Maulder thought.
Another reason I think they decided on area 51 for their interstellar menagerie was because the government still had the movie sets set up from when they staged the moon landing and they thought it would really make them feel at home. With all the nuclear fallout leftover from the atomic bomb tests we know that they couldn't get very far away if they tried.
My grandfather always told us about his adventures to the woods in search of Bigfoot. He would show us the videos of the debris flying out of abandoned shacks and we would listen to the loud roars. Even as youngsters grandpa wasn't fooling any of us. It wasn't till we were older that we realized that bigfoot was grandpa's was of saying he needed a little time away from grandma.
So Extra Tessetrial Highway get ready cause I may purchase all your memrobial junk and eat at your tourist stop diners- but I WILL be looking for that extra set of eye lids on your masked face.
Tuesday January 31, 2006 - 05:25am (PST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

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